Top tips to video interview better with Zetter

24 February 2021

By Rianne Neale

Top tips to video interview better with Zetter

Top tips to video interview better with Zetter

1.       Prepare your device!

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail…

  • Decide which device you are going to use. We recommend using your phone if you can as the camera quality is often much better than a laptop/PC.

  • Make sure the settings on the camera and microphone are enabled.

  • Put your phone on the ‘do not disturb’ mode and mute all notifications.

  • Ensure any apps that are open in the background using the camera are closed as this may cause difficulty connecting

  • Make sure you have updated your device with the latest IOS/equivalent.

2.       Dress to impress

Remember – over 50% of a first impression is based on appearance.

  • We find smart casual wear works best, i.e. a blouse or shirt

  • Pyjamas/tracksuits/loungewear are a big no no!

3.       Consider the background

The environment that you are in will reflect a lot about you and your lifestyle.

  • Where possible, aim for a plain/blank wall behind you and if possible, sit at a desk or a table as this will help to reflect an office environment and improve your posture.

  • Light up the room. Use all the lighting you can to expose your face – natural lighting is even better.

  • A cluttered background is very off-putting. If a plain/neutral wall is not possible, it is a good idea to remove any personal items such as ornaments, photos, clothes, files etc that will be visible in the video.

  • Lighting is important but ensure it is working for you – i.e. not reflecting off your head or under your chin!

  • Do not sit on the sofa or a bed and avoid noisy places, screaming children and barking dogs...

4.       Positioning

Looking straight on with a good posture looks best. Have the camera positioned just above eye level and make sure you are looking at the interviewer – not the camera!

  • To get a good position – try using a block of books to position a laptop or phone. This will help to keep the device sturdy during the interview.

  • If using a phone, do not stand and hold it. Prop it up somewhere secure and consider the points above.

  • Do not swing or rock on your chair (it is very distracting and makes you look nervous and uninterested).

5.       Keep it short & and to the point

Practice answering typical interview questions and prepare answers that are short but effective.

  • Talk through good examples – i.e. a client win example or account growth. This can be a great way to demonstrate your experience, understanding and approach in real life scenarios.

  • Avoid talking through your whole career – that is what your CV is for. Prepare some recent examples.

  • Try not to go off on a tangent, cover the main points concisely. A notepad with the main points written down may help you to stay on track.

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